Nick Yarris They put me in solitary confinement, and although I went on to do 8,755 days of solitary in total, the first two were the hardest. I almost went mad, beating my head against the wall. – Nick Yarris Beating Quotes Confinement Quotes Days Quotes Hardest Quotes Head Quotes Mad Quotes Solitary Quotes Total Quotes Wall Quotes There were several appeals, but I ruined it all by escaping after three years inside. I was being transported to court and we stopped to use the rest room. There were two sheriffs and I managed to get away. I out-ran a helicopter, got on the aeroplane and went to Florida. I have nothing negative to say because what happened to me has happened to many others and I need to always remember that it was not personal what happened to me.
Kevin SystromTravel I actually think some of my best moments in life have been while I was with people from Instagram – whether it’s super late nights getting a release out or being able to travel to places I’d never visited and meeting some of the most interesting people I’ve ever met. – Kevin Systrom
Laeta Kalogridis All the science fiction I loved as a kid was holding up a mirror to society and warning us about the need for course correction. – Laeta Kalogridis
Ludwig Bemelmans To be a gourmet you must start early, as you must begin riding early to be a good horseman. You must live in France, your father must have been a gourmet. Nothing in life must interest you but your stomach. – Ludwig Bemelmans
Leon Redbone I just do a random roulette wheel version of what I’ve recorded or sometimes tunes I haven’t recorded. It’s a collection of whatever happens, happens. – Leon Redbone
Bruce BeresfordFinance In Australia, they set up a special fund to kick films off. It was quite an enlightened sort of move. You could go to this government bureau with scripts and and get finance for films. – Bruce Beresford
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