Jack Cade They say that our sovereign is above his laws to his pleasure, and he may make it and break it as he pleases, without any distinction. The contrary is true, or else he should not have sworn to keep it. – Jack Cade Break Quotes Contrary Quotes Distinction Quotes Laws Quotes Pleases Quotes Pleasure Quotes Sovereign Quotes Sworn Quotes TRUE Quotes They say that the commons of England would first destroy the king’s friends and afterward himself, and then bring the Duke of York to be king so that by their false means and lies they may make him to hate and destroy his friends, and cherish his false traitors. They say that it were great reproof to the king to take again what he has given, so that they will not suffer him to have his own good, nor land, nor forfeiture, nor any other good but they ask it from him, or else they take bribes of others to get it for him.
John Gregory Dunne In sports, the confluence of the 1989 Oakland vs. San Francisco World Series and the Loma Prieta earthquake notwithstanding, the earth rarely moves. – John Gregory Dunne
Reem Acra My friends are my inspiration, and all of them are true friends that support me. On a daily basis, I know that I have my friends to rely on. – Reem Acra
Freddie PrinzeJr I love food, man! If it doesn’t eat me first, I’ll pretty much eat it. – Freddie Prinze, Jr
Ann Cotton My journey started with the understanding that poor parents share the universal desire for education for their children. No family in our experience has ever turned down educational support for their daughter. – Ann Cotton
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