Barbara Kruger Things change and work changes. Right now I like the idea of enveloping a space and getting messages across that connect to the world in ways that seem familiar but are different. – Barbara Kruger Change Quotes Connect Quotes Enveloping Quotes Familiar Quotes Idea Quotes Messages Quotes Space Quotes I’ve never worked in advertising – my experience was as an editorial designer for magazines – but you could say, in the bigger picture, that magazines are vehicles for colour advertising. Warhol’s images made sense to me, although I knew nothing at the time of his background in commercial art. To be honest, I didn’t think about him a hell of a lot.
AmazingArtChuck CloseExperienceSpace Painting is the most magical of mediums. The transcendence is truly amazing to me every time I go to a museum and I see how somebody figured another way to rub colored dirt on a flat surface and make space where there is no space or make you think of a life experience. – Chuck Close
Jade Bird Songwriting really kicked in with the guitar. I was going through a lot as a kid. There had been a lot of transitions in my family. So it just became a total therapy, like most artists. – Jade Bird
Ray Comfort The ‘science’ for which the United States is respected has nothing to do with the unscientific and baseless theory of evolution. – Ray Comfort
Lil Wayne The most bizarre thing I’ve ever read about myself is that I was dead. That was kind of weird to read that I’m dead – mostly because I was reading it. – Lil Wayne
DanTDM If I wanted to show family or friends content that had loads of cursing in it, I wouldn’t be as proud of that. – DanTDM
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