Sendhil Mullainathan Things that price at $4.99 sell very differently than things that price at $5. – Sendhil Mullainathan Price Quotes Sell Quotes For somebody for whom they’re going to buy a certain amount of gas irrespective of the price, should they really spend so much time thinking about the price of gas? It doesn’t affect anything they do. People go shopping, we spend on so many things, and we just don’t know. We don’t know the prices of things. But gasoline, even when you’re not buying, it’s staring you in the face. Psychologists call this ‘salience.’
Paterson Joseph Whenever I do comedy, my trouble is that I laugh too much – I enjoy myself too much, so it’s quite expensive to have me as a comedy actor! I just giggle at everything and everyone! – Paterson Joseph
Jochen Zeitz Puma was all about function and not at all about design. The founder of the company always believed functionality and performance were the only ingredients that could make Puma successful and design never mattered. – Jochen Zeitz
Jacky Rosen When I chose to run for public office, I pledged to stand with the people of Nevada rather than follow a partisan line. – Jacky Rosen
Steve Easterbrook Customers have access to information that gives them much more control over their lives. – Steve Easterbrook
Helen Garner Well, I’m at some kind of crossroads in my life and I don’t know which way to take. It’s not about money, I mean, because I’m established enough now as a writer to get a reasonable advance if I wanted to do fiction. – Helen Garner
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