Romano Prodi Think what a revolution it will be if we manage to get everyone to pay their taxes. – Romano Prodi Manage Quotes Pay Quotes Revolution Quotes Taxes Quotes He uses statistics like a drunk uses lamp-posts, more for support than illumination. Berlusconi is no longer fit to lead our country.
Jeannette Walls I found out that people are incredibly compassionate and kind. It really changed my view of the world. – Jeannette Walls
CourageEvander Holyfield Well, number one I like dancing. Number two I knew it would be challenging because I had never done this type of dance before. I always wanted to and I happened to have the courage to go out there and give it my best shot. – Evander Holyfield
Mario Monti Like other antitrust agencies we make our assessment of a merger or antitrust case based on its impact on our jurisdiction, and not on the nationality of the companies. This is exactly what the U.S. antitrust agencies, the Justice Department and the FTC, do. – Mario Monti
Lamorne Morris If you have a lot of sweetness and quirkiness, someone’s got to have a little bit of bite against that. – Lamorne Morris
Sebastian Faulks I believe that love between people is the greatest life-giving force in the world. It’s intensely frustrating and inevitably makes a fool of you, but you can’t stop going back to it, and it’s pretty much the defining experience of a human being. – Sebastian Faulks
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