Cassie Scerbo This funny little film we did called ‘Sharknado’ has caused so much buzz, I would have never imagined. It’s literally caused more buzz than anything else I’ve ever done. I had no idea that it was going to turn into this phenomenon. – Cassie Scerbo Buzz Quotes Called Quotes Caused Quotes Film Quotes Funny Quotes Idea Quotes Imagined Quotes Literally Quotes Phenomenon Quotes Sharknado Quotes Everything on ‘Sharknado’ somehow, for some reason, something went wrong with everything. The days we had the water towers, they weren’t working. I have been obsessed with ‘Full House’ since I was five years old. I just can’t stop watching the reruns!
Portia Doubleday I don’t understand what’s happening in ‘Mr. Robot’ all the time, and I’m really actually intimated for the second season. I’ll have to rewatch the first season, I think. – Portia Doubleday
Steve Clarke If people are coming in in dribs and drabs, it doesn’t look good. You have to have standards and have rules to adhere to. If you have that then it carries on into the training. – Steve Clarke
Clay Matthews III We’ve got some talented people in my family in regards to football, and we do it the right way. – Clay Matthews III
Boris Johnson I suppose with houses and assets, then I guess I would be a millionaire. But so are a lot of people. – Boris Johnson
CommunicationDick Wolf I try to just communicate what I want done as clearly and simply as possible. – Dick Wolf
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