Edward Thorndike This growth in the number, speed of formation, permanence, delicacy and complexity of associations possible for an animal reaches its acme in the case of man. – Edward Thorndike Acme Quotes Animal Quotes Associations Quotes Complexity Quotes Delicacy Quotes Formation Quotes Growth Quotes Permanence Quotes Reaches Quotes Speed Quotes There is no reasoning, no process of inference or comparison; there is no thinking about things, no putting two and two together; there are no ideas – the animal does not think of the box or of the food or of the act he is to perform. Human education is concerned with certain changes in the intellects, characters and behavior of men, its problems being roughly included under these four topics: Aims, materials, means and methods.
Jim Jarmusch I wanted to make an Indian character who wasn’t either a) the savage that must be eliminated, the force of nature that’s blocking the way for industrial progress, or b) the noble innocent that knows all and is another cliche. I wanted him to be a complicated human being. – Jim Jarmusch
Linus Roache If you count my childhood appearances in a few TV shows and being the son of two well-known actor parents in the U.K., plus three years of drama school, you could say that I’ve been pretty much surrounded by the business of acting and performing my entire life. – Linus Roache
Nicola Sturgeon It still annoys me when I read really derogatory things about how a woman looks because you would usually not read these things about a man, and that still has the potential to put women off public life. – Nicola Sturgeon
Pankaj Mishra Basically, I think of fiction and non-fiction as different ways of engaging with the world. You reach a point where you feel you have said all you possibly can, in reportage or a review essay or a reflection on history, which ‘From the Ruins of Empire’ was. – Pankaj Mishra
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