Daniel Yergin This has a lot to do with the unrest in Nigeria, but also with the production loss after the hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, the decline in Iraq since the 2003 war, and the decline in Venezuelan output since 2002. – Daniel Yergin Decline Quotes Gulf Quotes Hurricanes Quotes Iraq Quotes Loss Quotes Lot Quotes Mexico Quotes Nigeria Quotes Output Quotes Production Quotes Unrest Quotes Venezuelan Quotes War Quotes The Russians are turning east to the Chinese – to the Europeans’ surprise. It always seemed to me that the relationship between Russia and China would shift from being based in Marx and Lenin to being based in oil and gas. We are living in a new age of energy supply anxiety.
Daniel Johns We never considered ourselves to be a good band or anything, we just thought we were playing for fun and we wanted to play music that sounded like Black Sabbath or Soundgarden or the music we were into at that time. – Daniel Johns
Rob Marshall I’m very aware of the fact that Broadway musicals being brought to the screen are very few and far between, and it’s important to continue that relationship between Broadway and film. It’s a privilege and an honor for me to be instrumental in some way in keeping that alive. – Rob Marshall
Jeanne Marie Laskas No matter what your age, gender, politics, nationality, social or financial standing, every single person inhabiting the planet Earth has the same reaction to him: ‘Holy crap, Buzz Aldrin, you went to the moon!’ – Jeanne Marie Laskas
Martin Lel Whenever I’m being invited to the New York City Marathon like today, I need to think twice because I know it’s a very tough race. – Martin Lel
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