ComputersMorten Tyldum This is a man who was 23 years old when he theorized the idea of creating a programmable machine, and in that way, Turing foresaw computers and artificial intelligence. These were revolutionary ideas at that time. – Morten Tyldum Artificial Quotes Computers Quotes Creating Quotes Foresaw Quotes Idea Quotes Ideas Quotes Intelligence Quotes Machine Quotes Programmable Quotes Revolutionary Quotes Theorized Quotes Time Quotes Turing Quotes We resemble computers intellectually and animals emotionally. I didn’t know much about computers. I still worked on a manual Olivetti typewriter.
Sharon Jones In Rikers, you had the Italians over here, the Spanish over here, the Blacks here, then there would be your Christians here and your Muslim brotherhood here. It’s just like the outside, but in very closed quarters where you have to get along or else. The sense of claustrophobia in ‘Orange is the New Black’ – that’s real. – Sharon Jones
Ilhan Omar I have been very fortunate to have a partner who really stepped up and have wonderful children who do a lot of things that make it easy for Mommy to do this work. – Ilhan Omar
AloneJackie Kennedy Can anyone understand how it is to have lived in the White House and then, suddenly, to be living alone as the President’s widow? – Jackie Kennedy
Grant Gustin My favorite actor that I look up to is Joseph Gordon-Levitt. His career is something I look up to, I just want to be that guy. He’s always part of projects that have a lot of soul and that’s what I want to do as an actor. – Grant Gustin
Carter Burwell Hopefully each film can be given a musical voice of its own, which is not to say that the instrumentation is always unique, but that the relationship between the sound and the image is unique. – Carter Burwell
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