Jesse Helms This is an area where North Carolina does excel. I have known more colorful North Carolina political figures than I have colorless ones. – Jesse Helms Carolina Quotes Colorful Quotes Colorless Quotes Excel Quotes Figures Quotes North Quotes Political Quotes The interests of the United States are better served by demanding reform and seeing that reform takes place than by removing our influence from the UN. It has become more acceptable to describe yourself as a conservative, but not everyone who uses that term about themselves really is truly conservative.
Angelique Kerber I was trying to be improving my game, being more aggressive, and not just playing from the defensive end. – Angelique Kerber
Hannah Murray There are so many female roles – particularly for young women – that are just somebody’s girlfriend or somebody’s daughter, or that are accessories to the main story rather than being three-dimensional characters. – Hannah Murray
Giancarlo Stanton I know I have a lot of expectations to live up to, which I need to do and am willing to do. – Giancarlo Stanton
Lauren Boebert I have worked to keep the Bureau of Land Management in Grand Junction; protect energy jobs; support farmers and ranchers; mitigate wildfires; build infrastructure; support law enforcement; help constituents having issues with federal agencies and so much more. – Lauren Boebert
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