Chris Grayling This is not rocket science. If you mentor and support people when they leave prison they’re less likely to reoffend. – Chris Grayling Leave Quotes Mentor Quotes People Quotes Prison Quotes Reoffend Quotes Rocket Quotes Science Quotes Support Quotes People who end up in our prisons tend to come from the most difficult backgrounds. They did not have the parental support as they grew up, as many of us enjoyed, and they struggle when they leave prison. One thing really important is that we set out an agenda of compassionate Conservativism. That’s what I’ve been trying to do in the Justice Department.
David Sheff Drugs shift the way that we think. So, yeah, the logical thing would be to get help, but that’s not the way addicts operate, which is why it’s really, really hard to get someone to understand that they need treatment. – David Sheff
EqualityMandira Bedi I have grown up in an environment of equality, so feminism is equality for me. – Mandira Bedi
Jacob Bronowski The wish to hurt, the momentary intoxication with pain, is the loophole through which the pervert climbs into the minds of ordinary men. – Jacob Bronowski
Dean Jones Sometimes being a survivor is the greatest compliment you can get in Hollywood. – Dean Jones
Ethan Carter III I try to find influences in not only wrestling but all facets of entertainment. – Ethan Carter III
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