Red Barber This is Red Barber speaking. Let me say hello to you all. – Red Barber Barber Quotes Red Quotes Speaking Quotes Running like a bunny with his tail on fire. You have to be as fully prepared for the dull game as you are for the great game, or else you won’t be prepared for the great one.
Dontrelle Willis I know about having days off. They can be helpful sometimes, especially late in the year. It’s just key to go out there and establish early, especially in this park where they can put up some crooked numbers early. – Dontrelle Willis
Cain Velasquez To say I was looking forward to fighting in Mexico for the first time is an understatement. – Cain Velasquez
Natasha Henstridge I began as a model, but that did not really hold my interest for too long! I believe I stood out from the parade of models trying to make it in Hollywood, which helped launch my career beyond the one-night-stand horror movie. – Natasha Henstridge
Rachel Bloom I was kind of an unhappy kid. I always felt like a cynical New Yorker trapped in a little kid’s body. I started to get some pretty bad anxiety disorders around puberty, which totally did not work with growing up a mile away from the beach. I started cutting my own hair. – Rachel Bloom
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