Lawrence Korb This is still a man’s profession, with a lot of men who intellectually and emotionally have not accepted that the military could be women’s work. – Lawrence Korb Accepted Quotes Emotionally Quotes Intellectually Quotes Lot Quotes Mans Quotes Military Quotes Profession Quotes Womens Quotes We need to stop spending money on those weapons systems that do not advance national security. There’s been an increase in the number of Iraqis in training, but more Americans are dying and violence is increasing.
Michael Stuhlbarg Had I pursued a film career in Los Angeles, I’m not sure I would have had the fortune that I’ve had. – Michael Stuhlbarg
Neha Kakkar At one time in my life, I stood in queues for ‘Indian Idol’ auditions, and I got eliminated at Top 8 or Top 9. I could have never imagined that one day I will be judging this show where I was a contestant myself. – Neha Kakkar
Susanna Moore Forever Amber,’ written by Kathleen Winsor in 1944, was banned in Boston at the time of its publication as obscene and offensive. This alone would have been enough to excite my interest, but in 1956, it was sitting inoffensively on the shelves of the small country library on the north shore of Oahu, Hawaii, where my family spent its summers. – Susanna Moore
Michael Giacchino I’ve been pretty lucky in that I’m not a big writer’s block kind of person. – Michael Giacchino
Gary Ross You have to listen to the movie while you’re making it. I think that’s important. – Gary Ross
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