Susan DeyThankful This little kid pointed at me and said, ‘You look disgusting!’ That was the first time I thought maybe I did. I decided I’d better start eating. I’m just thankful that I made it through with relatively few scars. – Susan Dey Decided Quotes Disgusting Quotes Eating Quotes Kid Quotes Scars Quotes Start Quotes Thankful Quotes Time Quotes Anytime anyone spends their hard-earned time and money to come out and watch us practice in late July or early August, you can’t help but just be thankful to be a Pittsburgh Steeler and have those people want to watch us. I saw 14 games in two and a half months at Churchill. It was what I really signed for. They were eyeing the championship and also playing the AFC Cup. So I am very thankful for Churchill, the coaching staff and the players.
Drake Bell I really like Caravan Palace’s electro swing stuff. They incorporate the electronic, but when you see them live, they’re all on stage playing live music. They’re all playing their instruments. They drop these beats with the DJs that are so incredible. – Drake Bell
Benjamin BrattMom My mother’s a Peruvian Indian from Lima who raised me and my four brothers and sisters as a single mom. – Benjamin Bratt
Chris Borland My experience over my five years at Wisconsin and my one year in the NFL was that there were times where I couldn’t play the game safely. There are positive measures we can take… but on a lead play, on a power play, there’s violence. – Chris Borland
Steven Yeun I’m stupidly curious. I will go and touch anything until I find out that it’s very harmful. – Steven Yeun
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