Stanley Schmidt This means I must pay close attention to the writing, but equally so to the scientific background – which sometimes means doing fairly involved calculations. – Stanley Schmidt Attention Quotes Background Quotes Calculations Quotes Close Quotes Equally Quotes Involved Quotes Pay Quotes Scientific Quotes Writing Quotes There may be something to the suggestion about the pace of technological change intimidating writers, though – it’s been awfully hard to keep ahead of real developments. Usually if nobody hates a piece, nobody loves it, either; and a magazine which sets itself the goal of provoking thought is not doing its job if everybody agrees with what it does.
Prince Harry It’s something my mother believed in: If you are in a position of privilege, if you can put your name to something that you genuinely believe in, you can smash any stigma you want, and you can encourage anybody to do anything. – Prince Harry
Kerry King It’s good to be playing one and a half hour again. In the States we played like an hour and when you got onstage it felt like all of a sudden you are already done your set. But now, it feels like we are touring again. – Kerry King
Gordon Bethune I just want to be able to get on an airplane and enjoy myself in Disneyland, not sit there worrying about all these assassins. – Gordon Bethune
Don Marquis A demagogue is a person with whom we disagree as to which gang should mismanage the country. – Don Marquis
Robin DiAngelo A fundamental but very challenging part of my work is moving white people from an individual understanding of racism – i.e. only some people are racist and those people are bad – to a structural understanding. – Robin DiAngelo
Chris Grayling We’ve got a very poor record on unnecessary red tape; extra cost to business; people being asked to do things they don’t need to; over the top regulation, misinterpreted regulation, poor guidelines. – Chris Grayling
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