George Thorogood This music has been around since before the beard on Moses. I happed to do it very well and I happen to have a lot of groovy songs that I know people are going to dig. I know more about it than you do. – George Thorogood Beard Quotes Dig Quotes Groovy Quotes Happed Quotes Happen Quotes Lot Quotes Moses Quotes Music Quotes People Quotes Songs Quotes All I have is my performance, I try to feed in the best of everything that I could possibly do into those 90 minutes and to make a live entertainment show out of it. I guess a good song is a good song is a good song, ya know.
Aaron Spelling It’s OK to do cute little things like kissing a turtle, but you can’t kiss another person because he’s a different color? Give me a break. And you have to remember, I’m from Dallas, Texas. – Aaron Spelling
Judah Friedlander Stand-up comedy is the most relaxing thing I do. If I want to unwind and de-stress, I go out and do stand-up, often several shows in a night. – Judah Friedlander
John George Nicolay While Lincoln thus became a lawyer, he did not cease to remain a politician. – John George Nicolay
Kanika Dhillon Your influence and remuneration is directly proportionate to your film’s success. So in that sense, Bollywood is a level playing field. If you are delivering on certain parameters, regardless of your gender, you will get paid. – Kanika Dhillon
Millicent Simmonds I was in several school performances, mainly Shakespeare and comedic roles. I just accidentally became an actor. I totally didn’t expect this. – Millicent Simmonds
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