Denise Dresser Those who voted for Vicente Fox endorsed his call for change – better economic management, less crime, and less corruption – and they expect him to deliver. – Denise Dresser Change Quotes Corruption Quotes Crime Quotes Deliver Quotes Economic Quotes Endorsed Quotes Expect Quotes Fox Quotes Management Quotes Vicente Quotes Voted Quotes Undoubtedly, Mexico’s crime-related problems have become a focus of attention among lawmakers, law enforcement, and the media in the United States. Ignoring party leaders in order to sway public opinion may work in countries where elected representatives are responsive to their constituencies. But in Mexico, members of the legislature cannot be reelected, so their destinies depend less on the will of the people than on party bosses.
Roger Ascham In mine opinion, love is fitter than fear, gentleness better than beating, to bring up a child rightly in learning. – Roger Ascham
Frans Timmermans The European Union is not unbreakable; something that is breakable is extremely valuable. – Frans Timmermans
Richard E Grant Time and time again I was told that I would never make the film on time and never make it on budget. That kind of criticism tends to turn me into a great big motor of efficiency. – Richard E Grant
Nicole Sullivan It’s a lot easier, I think, to be an actor in a movie than to spin a joke on a sitcom. – Nicole Sullivan
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