Branch Rickey Thou shalt not steal. I mean defensively. On offense, indeed thou shall steal and thou must. – Branch Rickey Defensively Quotes Offense Quotes Shalt Quotes Steal Quotes How to use your leisure time is the biggest problem of a ballplayer.
Spencer Kayden I don’t seem to take vacations, but I must say, a jaunt into Central Park can be mighty transporting. My boy and I can spend hours in the Ramble scaling rocks and sword fighting with sticks. I often forget I’m in Manhattan when I’m in there. – Spencer Kayden
Martin McGuinness I’m not going to be known as the Sinn Fein Minister who did the bidding of a Tory administration which is focused on decimating the welfare state. – Martin McGuinness
Claudette Colvin When you’ve been abused daily and you see people humiliated and harassed, you just get tired of it. – Claudette Colvin
Steven Soderbergh I guess why the Ocean’s films are hard for me is because on the one hand you have to make sure the performances are there, but on the other hand it’s a film that demands, to my mind, a very layered and complex visual scheme. That takes a lot of time to figure out. – Steven Soderbergh
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