Asha Rangappa Though my parents were professionals and expected me to go to college, they were immigrants from India with no idea about how the admissions process worked in the United States or the importance of standardized tests. – Asha Rangappa Admissions Quotes College Quotes Expected Quotes Idea Quotes Immigrants Quotes India Quotes Parents Quotes Process Quotes Professionals Quotes Standardized Quotes Tests Quotes United Quotes White Southerners created an entire cosmetics industry equating beauty with whiteness and trained a string of winning Miss Americas who embodied their racial ideal in a national representative. In response to Russia’s election hacking, the U.S. expelled not just one, but 35 spies posing as diplomats – the strongest response ever to a cyberattack against the U.S.
DesignJohn Maeda In the ’70s and ’80s there was an attempt in K-12 to teach science through art or art through science. The challenge today is how do you build the ethos of art and design into the academy of science. – John Maeda
Sebastian Stan To shoot a movie that takes place in three decades in 30 days is a lot on the hair and make-up team. – Sebastian Stan
Denise Crosby A lot of show business, as you know, is about all the contacts you make and who you know. – Denise Crosby
Drew McIntyre There is so much more than just what you do in the ring and what you do on the microphone. – Drew McIntyre
John R Allen We don’t see that the Taliban ultimately can succeed, and it’s a combination both of what the international community can do to support Afghanistan, not just in the short term, but over the long term. – John R Allen
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