Jill Lepore Throughout the nineteen-seventies and eighties, especially during periods of recession, employees were moved from offices to cubicles. – Jill Lepore Cubicles Quotes Eighties Quotes Employees Quotes Moved Quotes Nineteenseventies Quotes Offices Quotes Periods Quotes Recession Quotes It feels silly to watch endless hours of winter sports every four years, when we never watch them any other time, and we don’t even understand the rules, which doesn’t stop us from scoring everyone, every run, every skate, every race. When business became big business – conglomerates employing hundreds and even thousands of people – companies divided themselves into still smaller units.
Rudy Gobert That’s what it’s all about at the end of the day. What can you do? What difference can you make in the world? – Rudy Gobert
Alain Dehaze To shape today’s and tomorrow’s ‘future proof’ worker, schools must teach specialized hard skills, such as the STEM skills that are in high demand. – Alain Dehaze
Robert Gottlieb Eclipse’ is a concept piece, and its concept centers on 36 large light bulbs strung from above in a geometrical pattern and at different heights, some of them at times down below the dancers’ chest level. – Robert Gottlieb
Bob Backlund When you work out it makes you feel better. It became my life’s blood. It keeps me going every day. – Bob Backlund
Misty Copeland My first ballet class was on a basketball court. I’m in my gym clothes and my socks trying to do this thing called ballet. I didn’t know anything about it. – Misty Copeland
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