Joseph Butler Thus self-love as one part of human nature, and the several particular principles as the other part, are, themselves, their objects and ends, stated and shown. – Joseph Butler Human Quotes Nature Quotes Objects Quotes Principles Quotes Selflove Quotes Stated Quotes Thus there is no doubt the eye was intended for us to see with. There is a much more exact correspondence between the natural and moral world than we are apt to take notice of.
James Fenimore Cooper I can never tire of speaking of the bridges of Paris. By day and by night have I paused on them to gaze at their views; the word not being too comprehensive for the crowds and groupings of objects that are visible from their arches. – James Fenimore Cooper
FutureJean de la Bruyere Children have neither a past nor a future. Thus they enjoy the present, which seldom happens to us. – Jean de la Bruyere
Noel Gallagher Chart positions are for people with manbags who get to work at 11 A.M. because they’ve been at a digital meeting. – Noel Gallagher
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