George W S Trow To a person growing up in the power of demography, it was clear that history had to do not with the powerful actions of certain men but with the processes of choice and preference. – George W S Trow Actions Quotes Choice Quotes Demography Quotes Growing Quotes History Quotes Person Quotes Power Quotes Powerful Quotes Preference Quotes Processes Quotes Wonder was the grace of the country. Any action could be justified by that: the wonder it was rooted in. Period followed period, and finally the wonder was that things could be built so big. Bridges, skyscrapers, fortunes, all having a life first in the marketplace, still drew on the force of wonder. The most powerful men were those who most effectively used the power of adult competence to enforce childish agreements.
Michael B Jordan Playing a bad guy would be fun, I’m not going to lie. I’d definitely do that in a heartbeat, because it’s so out of my nature. – Michael B Jordan
Chris Sullivan I know people who have had near-death experiences or who have experienced terminal illness and come through the other side. – Chris Sullivan
Taavet Hinrikus As a consumer, I’m definitely waiting for what’s going to come after banks. – Taavet Hinrikus
Neil Bush I’ve always prided myself on being the lowest-profile member of the Bush family. – Neil Bush
Martin Gore I even have nephews who make music, my daughter makes music. I don’t know what advice to give them these days. It’s really a tough industry to break into. – Martin Gore
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