Denis Kearney To add to our misery and despair, a bloated aristocracy has sent to China – the greatest and oldest despotism in the world – for a cheap working slave. – Denis Kearney Add Quotes Aristocracy Quotes Bloated Quotes Cheap Quotes China Quotes Despair Quotes Despotism Quotes Misery Quotes Slave Quotes A few men own from ten thousand to two hundred thousand acres each. The poor Laborer can find no resting place, save on the barren mountain, or in the trackless desert. California must be all American or all Chinese. We are resolved that it shall be American, and are prepared to make it so. May we not rely upon your sympathy and assistance?
Lynn Coady Occasionally, chewing over some random letter writer’s dilemma, I’ll find myself imagining scenarios where the problem could be sidestepped by an innocent fib or series of evasive manoeuvres. Then, I slap myself on the wrist. – Lynn Coady
Dwayne Johnson For ‘Hercules,’ I went for the demigod look: big and mean. When you’re playing a character like the son of Zeus, you only get one shot. – Dwayne Johnson
Oliver Reed I might get drunk one day and fall in love or fall over a hooker outside, and I would have consummated a relationship that I couldn’t necessarily believe in. – Oliver Reed
Richard Attenborough I’m not a pyrotechnical director; I’m not good with all those innovative things. What I am interested in is how actors can touch the heads and hearts of an audience. – Richard Attenborough
Del ClosePositive The world is a slightly better place for having improvisation in it than it was before. There’s something about it that says something positive about the human spirit, that a bunch of people can get together and by following a few simple traffic rules can create art and can entertain an audience and can thrill and exalt each other. – Del Close
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