John James Audubon To be a good draftsman was to me a blessing. – John James Audubon Blessing Quotes Draftsman Quotes On the 17th of May, the Delos put out to sea. I was immediately affected with sea-sickness, which, however, lasted but a short time. I remained on deck constantly, forcing myself to exercise. Hunting, fishing, drawing, and music occupied my every moment. Cares I knew not, and cared naught about them.
Angie Thomas A lot of people involved in the Black Lives Matter movement are actually sticking up for those other lives. They are turning out for their Muslim brothers and sisters who are now being targeted. – Angie Thomas
Jodie Whittaker You want to be a citizen of the world, and then life happens, and you forget to be a citizen of the world; you’re a citizen of your own existence. – Jodie Whittaker
Caleb McLaughlin I really put my feet into my music, I have a say in how I want my music to sound and where I want it to go which is great. – Caleb McLaughlin
ImaginationPatty Duke I have been afraid all my life that I am going to die. All my life it has been stuffed in my imagination. – Patty Duke
Aldous HuxleyPoliticsWar The most shocking fact about war is that its victims and its instruments are individual human beings, and that these individual beings are condemned by the monstrous conventions of politics to murder or be murdered in quarrels not their own. – Aldous Huxley
David Beckham I just want people to see me as a hard-working footballer and someone who is passionate about the game. – David Beckham
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