Robert Stigwood To be a good personal manager, you have to be on the case, holding pop stars’ hands. – Robert Stigwood Hands Quotes Holding Quotes Manager Quotes Personal Quotes Pop Quotes Stars Quotes Most young people want to get out of the environment they grow up in, move on, and do something. The big question for everyone is what they want to do and how. It’s something that most young people feel. When I was managing Cream and the Bee Gees at the same time – when they were playing stadiums all over the world – it was very wearing.
Saul David It is not enough just to get your forces from A to B – you have to keep them fed and watered as they go. The art of movement, therefore, is one of the most complex and vital that any commander must master if he is going to win. – Saul David
Bob Crane I turned down more offers to be Jack Paar or Johnny Carson or Steve Allen before the people on the ‘Donna Reed Show’ gave me a chance to earn while I learned. – Bob Crane
Hilaria Baldwin I was born in Boston. I spent time in Boston and in Spain. My family now lives in Spain. I moved to New York when I was 19 years old and I have lived here ever since. For me, I feel like I have spent 10 years sharing that story over and over again. And now it seems like it’s not enough. – Hilaria Baldwin
Nick NolteSad You’re playing a role, but you’re still feeling it. You can walk away from it after ‘Cut,’ but if you’re playing a sad or mixed-up person, it’s hard to stay in that place for these longish period of times. You kind of have to check out. – Nick Nolte
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