Nate Silver To be a very, very minor, eighth-tier celebrity, you realize, ‘Hey, celebrities are just like us.’ – Nate Silver Celebrities Quotes Celebrity Quotes Eighthtier Quotes Hey Quotes Minor Quotes Realize Quotes I have the same friends and the same bad habits. The public is even more pessimistic about the economy than even the most bearish economists are.
Maureen Dowd As a woman, I know that if I write about another woman, it will be perceived as a catfight. – Maureen Dowd
Robert C O'Brien The world has grown increasingly dangerous, with a nuclear madman in North Korea testing an ICBM a month, mullahs in Tehran plotting the takeover of the Middle East, Russia engaging in ‘frozen conflicts’ in Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova, a very hot civil war in Syria, and China appropriating a vast swath of the Pacific to itself. – Robert C O’Brien
Bushwick Bill There are people who curse worse than me and want to hide it all, but I ain’t no hypocrite. – Bushwick Bill
Joseph SobranPolitics Politics is the conspiracy of the unproductive but organized against the productive but unorganized. – Joseph Sobran
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