Lee Ryan To be honest everything goes over my head a bit. – Lee Ryan Bit Quotes Head Quotes Honest Quotes I’m an expert at kissing girls necks, they love it. Girls say I’m quite sensitive, but I’m hyperactive too. I think about dying a lot, every time I fall asleep on a train or a plane I expect to wake up to a crash!
Moira KellyPolitics I think to be in politics you have to have the taste for blood on that. – Moira Kelly
David Lowery When you have a lot going on in a scene – whether it be a lot of shots, a lot of coverage, a lot of edits, or just the amount of content – it can cover up a deficit of true feeling. But when you don’t have a lot of material to work with, you really have to be sincere with everything. You really have to mean it, because there’s nowhere to hide. – David Lowery
Lisa Kennedy Montgomery Social conservatism was really bringing me down. And I realized, as time went on, that I wasn’t a Bush conservative. I was really a libertarian. – Lisa Kennedy Montgomery
Meryl Streep Leave me to the thing I love. I love acting. But being called ‘the greatest living actress’ – a designation not even my mother would sanction – is the opposite of good or valuable or useful. It is a curse for a working actor. – Meryl Streep
DeathJean GiraudouxWar The brave men die in war. It takes great luck or judgment not to be killed. Once, at least, the head has to bow and the knee has to bend to danger. The soldiers who march back under the triumphal arches are death’s deserters. – Jean Giraudoux
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