Dennis Skinner To be honest, it was slavery. Nobody should have any romantic ideas about working underground. It’s very, very dangerous. You always knew you were living in danger. You were on your hands and knees half the day. – Dennis Skinner Danger Quotes Dangerous Quotes Day Quotes Hands Quotes Honest Quotes Ideas Quotes Knees Quotes Living Quotes Romantic Quotes Slavery Quotes Underground Quotes I was shaped by a pit environment and the Second World War. My playground was on the pit tip at Clay Cross and I grew up with that mining background. My father was a miner and my granddad was a miner, and I would say three out of ten on the street where I was born were working in the pits. I remember arguing with kids on the street who were talking about Santa Claus. I said don’t be so daft – Santa Claus doesn’t come down our chimney. He’s an economic Santa Claus; he goes down chimneys where they’ve got money.
Auston Matthews I have nothing against college hockey or junior hockey. They produce tons and tons of really great players. – Auston Matthews
Francis Spufford What I absolutely want is to suggest that before it’s anything else, redemption is God mending the bicycle of our souls; God bringing out the puncture repair kit, re-inflating the tires, taking off the rust, making us roadworthy once more. Not so that we can take flight into ecstasy, but so that we can do the next needful mile of our lives. – Francis Spufford
Mike Ashley I will go to the ends of the earth to save as many Debenhams stores and jobs as I can, similar to the promise I made with regards to House of Fraser. – Mike Ashley
ChristmasFailurePadgett Powell Christmas is the season I use to clock failure in life. It stops time, as it were, on the year – where you are in it, where you are in your travail unto the grave. – Padgett Powell
Christina Aguilera Growing up with the childhood that I had, I learned to never let a man make me feel helpless, and it also embedded a deep need in me to always stick up for women. – Christina Aguilera
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