James Anthony Froude To deny the freedom of the will is to make morality impossible. – James Anthony Froude Deny Quotes Freedom Quotes Impossible Quotes Morality Quotes The secret of a person’s nature lies in their religion and what they really believes about the world and their place in it. Philosophy goes no further than probabilities, and in every assertion keeps a doubt in reserve.
Bo BennettFinance As sure as the spring will follow the winter, prosperity and economic growth will follow recession. – Bo Bennett
Barry Marshall Before the 20th century, the ulcer was not a respectable disease. Doctors would say, ‘You’re under a lot of stress.’ Nineteenth-century Europe and America had all these crazy health spas and quack treatments. – Barry Marshall
Rajneesh My house was a guest house of many Jaina saints, Hindu monks, Sufi mystics, because my grandfather was interested in all of these people. – Rajneesh
Lennart Meri Our civilisation has lost this bond between times, and tends to measure time with a yardstick, bit by bit, from one point to another. – Lennart Meri
Cornelius Vanderbilt I have always served the public to the best of my ability. Why? Because, like every other man, it is to my interest to do so. – Cornelius Vanderbilt
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