Anna PavlovaSuccess To follow, without halt, one aim: that’s the secret of success. – Anna Pavlova Aim Quotes Follow Quotes Halt Quotes Secret Quotes Success Quotes People seldom see the halting and painful steps by which the most insignificant success is achieved. Whatever success I may have attained is due to the fact that since I was old enough to work at all, my ambition has never deserted me.
Gary Numan When I was a kid it was big news when someone flew around the world in a little aeroplane, but nobody cared when I did it. Then, to rub salt into my wounds, the customs people ripped my aeroplane to pieces, looking for stuff. – Gary Numan
Jacob Whitesides It seems obvious to say, but I really admire the creative sides of Steve Jobs. – Jacob Whitesides
Michael Sorrentino I arrange my other activities around my workout. I have to organize my body, mind and health first. – Michael Sorrentino
EpictetusHope Neither should a ship rely on one small anchor, nor should life rest on a single hope. – Epictetus
Emily Oster Economists actually disagree about whether there are significant economic returns from attending an elite college versus a less-selective one. – Emily Oster
Matteo Salvini We apply the catechism by opening Italy’s doors to women and children who come here legally on aeroplanes, but no more men on rubber dinghies. We will help them grow up and work in their own countries. Let’s spend in Africa the money that needs to be spent. – Matteo Salvini
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