Paul Nassif To make any endeavor successful, you have to put that time and energy into something and work long hard days. Whether it’s on the weekends or at night. You have to be constantly looking to improve things. – Paul Nassif Constantly Quotes Days Quotes Endeavor Quotes Energy Quotes Hard Quotes Improve Quotes Night Quotes Successful Quotes Time Quotes Weekends Quotes Most peoples work ethnic tends to be OK, but not fantastic. Everyone is filtering their selfies to make them look perfect. We’re seeing it more and more in my clinic – patients want to look like a photo they’ve tweaked. They show me the picture and say: ‘This is the new me.’ But many times it’s not realistic.
DadMomZazie Beetz When the Berlin Wall came down, my dad left to visit the U.S. He met my mom at this summer camp where they were both working, so I grew up between Washington Heights and Germany speaking two languages. – Zazie Beetz
Michael Caine Comedy is underrepresented in every actor’s life, because it’s so bloody difficult to write. – Michael Caine
Sophie Dahl My childhood was such an odd one, but with such magic, and the quirky grown-ups who were in it managed to still bring a huge sense of love and magic, so for that I’m really grateful. – Sophie Dahl
Netta Barzilai I am a very poppy little girl. I wasn’t allowed to be poppy at first because y’know in my mind, pop stars are thin and beautiful and light, and I’ve never felt beautiful, skinny and light. – Netta Barzilai
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