Brian Stokes Mitchell To me, a theater is a kind of a sacred space. It needs a kind of ceremony, like what happens when you consecrate a church. – Brian Stokes Mitchell Ceremony Quotes Church Quotes Consecrate Quotes Sacred Quotes Space Quotes Theater Quotes That’s what I love about New York. So many people crowded together, pushing against one another. And that’s what I hate about New York. So many people crowded together, pushing against one another. I’d been playing the piano since I was 6 and wanted to be a composer, but I also wanted to be an actor. I decided to just pursue both and see which won out.
Deco This is a team I like, Celtic. I have very good memories of the UEFA Cup Final and I scored my first goal for Barcelona here, so I think good things about them. – Deco
Dustin Hoffman Well this is aptly called a junket, for both of us. I have never been to a house of prostitution, but I understand that you get in more than seven minutes. – Dustin Hoffman
Kamasi Washington Jazz is like a telescope, and a lot of other music is like a microscope. – Kamasi Washington
Barbara Smith A major problem for Black women, and all people of color, when we are challenged to oppose anti-Semitism, is our profound scepticism that white people can actually be oppressed. – Barbara Smith
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