Adore Delano To me drag is like a superhero mask. – Adore Delano Drag Quotes Mask Quotes Superhero Quotes I really like ‘I See You.’ It was therapeutic to write and singing it is really like therapy. Drag Race,’ you go back to your hotel, you come in and work, and then you do the challenge, blah blah.
Shweta Tripathi Publicity is very important for any actor, especially when you are new, and people need to know you. – Shweta Tripathi
Matt Besser There’s a creative vibe at U.C.B., and to maintain it, we can’t pay people. If you pay, then you have to assign worth to shows, and then people will resent that. – Matt Besser
Abraham Zapruder Yes, sir, a patrol car came and took me down to a station where they were trying to develop films, but they hadn’t got the facilities to develop colored film. – Abraham Zapruder
Jeffrey Zeldman Validation is easy – you run your site through a validator, and it’s either valid or it isn’t. The rest of the stuff, such as whether my logo or the biggest headline should be the h1 in my HTML, isn’t so easy and is subject to interpretation. – Jeffrey Zeldman
Piyush Goyal We can learn from all around the world. Germany, particularly, has been successful with rooftop solar generation. Other countries like Norway and Sweden have done work on it. Some of them have done offshore wind projects. So we’re looking at learning from the best from all across the world. My approach is to get the best out of each one. – Piyush Goyal
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