Kenneth Fisher To me ‘The Big Easy’ is shorthand for owning big stocks that are easy for wary investors to buy into. These stocks tend to outperform during the back half of bull markets. – Kenneth Fisher Bull Quotes Easy Quotes Investors Quotes Markets Quotes Outperform Quotes Owning Quotes Shorthand Quotes Stocks Quotes Tend Quotes Wary Quotes In the early days, I promoted the idea of spending time in libraries to gain facts that other investors didn’t have. Not many people did that kind of research, so it worked. I’m sometimes accused of being hostile to mutual funds. That’s not fair, really. There is a place for them. Still, I am hostile to one thing, which is trying to use funds to time your way in and out of the market. That’s a recipe for very bad results.
DesignHedi Slimane Just like zillions of children, album covers educated and informed me, and certainly did I later transpose organically, rather than by intent, those principles both in fashion design and photography. – Hedi Slimane
Asher Keddie I’ve never been quite sure what the Gold Logie means – and I’m not being facetious about that. I hope it means people have been enjoying my work in the projects that I have been committed to in the past two years. – Asher Keddie
Ioan Gruffudd Los Angeles gets a very bad rap, the perception, especially by us Brits, is ‘Oh, it’s so fake,’ but it’s the antithesis! – Ioan Gruffudd
Ananya Panday People take social media too seriously. It should be something that is fun, something that inspires you, not stresses you out. – Ananya Panday
Suzanne Somers I happen to have the benefit of having a son-in-law who was the former Mr. France and a trainer. I like being his benefactor and I like the way he works. – Suzanne Somers
Amy Heckerling To tell you the truth, in the old Jewish shtetls, if your husband died, sometimes they’d have you marry the brother, and my grandparents were actually stepbrother and stepsister. – Amy Heckerling
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