America FerreraSociety To me, the tragedy about this whole image-obsessed society is that young girls get so caught up in just achieving that they forget to realize that they have so much more to offer the world. – America Ferrera Achieving Quotes Caught Quotes Forget Quotes Girls Quotes Imageobsessed Quotes Offer Quotes Realize Quotes Society Quotes Tragedy Quotes Howard University shocked me into realizing how desperately sick the Negro could be, how he could be led into self-destruction, and how he would not realize that it was the society that had forced him into a great sickness. One of the definitions of sanity is the ability to tell real from unreal. Soon we’ll need a new definition.
Joshua Foer Over the last few millennia we’ve invented a series of technologies – from the alphabet to the scroll to the codex, the printing press, photography, the computer, the smartphone – that have made it progressively easier and easier for us to externalize our memories, for us to essentially outsource this fundamental human capacity. – Joshua Foer
Neil Warnock I tried to download a jazz album this week and ended up getting some tracks four times, some once, some three times; in total I ended up with 50 tracks. I don’t know how I did it. – Neil Warnock
Alicia Garza We’ve said from the very beginning Black Lives Matter is a network and also, as a broad set of individuals, is an organization moving to transform the way our society values black lives. It’s not an ‘Internet movement.’ – Alicia Garza
Jan Vertonghen I always eat the same thing on game day, or I read a book to calm myself. – Jan Vertonghen
Chief Joseph If the white man wants to live in peace with the Indian he can live in peace. – Chief Joseph
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