Mary OliverWork To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work. – Mary Oliver Attention Quotes Endless Quotes Pay Quotes Proper Quotes Work Quotes Walks work for me. I enter some arena that is neither conscious or unconscious. When you see validation for a life’s work and dedication, it’s a beautiful day.
David Lloyd Alan was always interested in politics in a major way. He actually believes that anarchy is a politically viable system, but I don’t. I was always interested in putting forward the ideas that represented my viewpoint. I feel the same about anything I’m doing. – David Lloyd
Jon Feltheimer I feel like I learn something new every day, and that’s what’s exciting about my job. – Jon Feltheimer
Pablo Mari My footballing curve; I never thought this could happen. But over the years of work, injuries, without opportunities, I’ve learned that deep inside an attitude builds which says: ‘The moment someone gives me the chance, there’s no way I’m letting go.’ – Pablo Mari
Richard Ayoade I’m not sure I’d hire myself in anything. I certainly couldn’t be an actor. That would be terrible. For everyone. – Richard Ayoade
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