David James To practise saving free-kicks you want a great free-kick taker. – David James Freekick Quotes Freekicks Quotes Practise Quotes Saving Quotes Taker Quotes The frustrating paradox is that coaching goalkeeping actually requires more resources than outfield positions. Unlike David Beckham and Wayne Rooney, who can practise at targets for hours on their own, for a keeper to practise anything other than kicking or throwing he needs other players. Derby games are the fixtures you always look out for at the beginning of the season and I believe every city needs one.
Linda Ellerbee If you believe in your heart that you are right, you must fight with all your might to do it your way. Only dead fish swim with the stream all the time. – Linda Ellerbee
J-Hope My fantasy had always been making a music video and performing with music that I had created. – J-Hope
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