Francesco Totti To the children of yesterday, who have grown up and become parents, and to the children of today, who perhaps shout ‘Tottigol,’ I’d like to think that, for you, my career has become a fairytale for you to pass on. – Francesco Totti Career Quotes Children Quotes Fairytale Quotes Grown Quotes Parents Quotes Pass Quotes Shout Quotes Tottigol Quotes Yesterday Quotes Over the years, I’ve tried to express myself through my feet, which have made everything simpler for me ever since I was a child. Before being a player, I was a diehard fan of Roma, so I know what the fans felt when we won.
Andrew Ng I’m super excited about health care; I’m super excited about education – major industries where AI can play a big role. – Andrew Ng
Diana Gabaldon How you carry a story in pictures is different than how you do it in text. – Diana Gabaldon
Michael Carbonaro David Blaine, I think, was the first TV magician to really turn the camera around and make it about the spectator’s experience. That’s really what magic is all about. – Michael Carbonaro
Mark Fisher Capitalism does not require us to hold a particular set of cognitive beliefs; it only requires that we act as if certain beliefs (about money, commodities etc) are true. The rituals are the beliefs, beliefs which, at the level of subjective self-description, may well be disavowed. – Mark Fisher
Manivannan Once you achieve success, you are consumed by the fear of living up to it. Which is why many directors stick to tried and tested fare. But, I made films on village subjects, love stories, movies with students as focus, crime thrillers… it was very satisfying. – Manivannan
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