Jon Hopkins To try and create a transcendent state through music has always been the intention. – Jon Hopkins Create Quotes Intention Quotes Music Quotes Transcendent Quotes I don’t believe in getting a lot of new gear all the time, so I get very deeply into one instrument and use it for many years. I’ve tried to do every album in a different style, which is why I tend to leave a fair bit of time between each one.
John Clayton I believe any question that man can ask has a reasonable answer-at least an answer that is as consistent with God’s existence as it is in opposition to God’s existence. – John Clayton
Natalya Neidhart If you’re an aspiring wrestler, Bret Hart is usually at the top of the list for inspiration. – Natalya Neidhart
Lil Yachty If you’re a fan of me, then you know my friends, because I push them just as hard. – Lil Yachty
Jadakiss Rap’s the only music that they categorize like that. That’s one thing that I hate, like, down South rap, or up North rap. Country is just country rather than wherever it’s from. R&B, you don’t call it Atlanta R&B, you know what I mean. So that’s already like a shot at our culture. – Jadakiss
John Carpenter Way back in the ’70s, I was approached to talk about the story I’d write for a Spider-Man movie. They also talked to me about Batman. I had to think about it, but that was way, way back when. – John Carpenter
Enda Kenny There will be no hard border from Dundalk to Derry in the context of it being a European border, and by that I mean customs posts every mile along the road. – Enda Kenny
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