Daryl Hall To write a good song, an artist has to drawn from reality. There has to be some spark from realism that communicates a real feeling to someone else. You have to be real. Or you have to be a really good storyteller. – Daryl Hall Artist Quotes Communicates Quotes Drawn Quotes Feeling Quotes Real Quotes Realism Quotes Reality Quotes Song Quotes Spark Quotes Storyteller Quotes Write Quotes I’ve been traveling around the world forever. My fan base is really expanding into an inter-generational thing – it’s what every artist probably hopes for.
Francia Raisa I love Clinique. Their moisturizer is amazing. My skin tends to be really oily, but then at times I’m dry, and that’s the perfect amount of moisturizer. – Francia Raisa
Jake Paul There are lots of ways to monetize. But if you have millions of fans, and you can convert even five percent of them to pay for something of yours, you are in the seven-figure range. – Jake Paul
Julia Glass I’m not a believer that you have to write every day. If I felt industrious, I’d spend ten hours a week writing. The writing is going on all the time in my head; the trick is to capture it. Showers are great. Traffic jams are great. – Julia Glass
Elise Andrew A lot of people view science as dull or boring, and I think the stance we take, using humour, not taking ourselves too seriously… I think people enjoy that. I think it’s quite refreshing. – Elise Andrew
PoliticsReinhold NiebuhrSad The sad duty of politics is to establish justice in a sinful world. – Reinhold Niebuhr
Nicolaus CopernicusSpace The earth together with its surrounding waters must in fact have such a shape as its shadow reveals, for it eclipses the moon with the arc of a perfect circle. – Nicolaus Copernicus
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