Maysoon Zayid Today, I am a touring standup comic who cannot stand up. Within three minutes, I begin to wilt, lose my balance, and topple over. I can tap dance and run in heels, but I need to use a wheelchair to navigate airports. – Maysoon Zayid Airports Quotes Balance Quotes Comic Quotes Dance Quotes Heels Quotes Lose Quotes Minutes Quotes Navigate Quotes Stand Quotes Standup Quotes Tap Quotes Topple Quotes Touring Quotes Wheelchair Quotes Wilt Quotes I shake all the time. It’s exhausting and causes chronic pain in my joints and muscles. It is also the only life I have ever known. I use yoga, dance, nutrition, and breathing to help manage my symptoms. When I ask people what they think of when they hear the term ‘cerebral palsy,’ I usually get one of two responses. They either think of a smiling, crumpled child in a wheelchair on a poster or commercials on late night TV with lawyers enticing parents of CP kids to sue the pants off their obstetrician.
Jodie Evans If we continue to create a world where there is poverty and disrespect, there will continue to be terrorism. – Jodie Evans
ArchitectureSantiago Calatrava When I work on sculpture, I don’t have to worry about function. When I work on a piece of architecture, I must think about function all the time. – Santiago Calatrava
Karen Bender Tell your mother that any clothes she wants to purchase you as a gift has to be suitable for a job interview. – Karen Bender
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