Jennifer Granholm Today in America we are no more ‘post-racial’ than we are ‘post-partisan.’ We have a long way to go. – Jennifer Granholm America Quotes Postpartisan Quotes Postracial Quotes I have a problem with Mitt Romney. And it’s big problem – one that extends beyond our ideological differences. My big concern is that Mitt Romney wants to become president for no other reason than because there’s a possibility he can win. When someone lives as a minority, they experience the world differently than those of us who live in the majority. We may occupy the same physical space, but we don’t occupy the same psychic space.
Alexis Carrel Gigantic sums are now required to maintain prisons and insane asylums and protect the public against gangsters and lunatics. Why do we preserve these useless and harmful beings? The abnormal prevent development of the normal. – Alexis Carrel
Quique Setien In these fixtures, the past is forgotten. What is rewarded is the present. This is a Clasico: two teams that will be at 100 percent regardless of the situation. – Quique Setien
Elvis Mitchell His work isn’t all glower. Even though he hasn’t smiled in a movie since the underrated ‘Proof’ in the early 1990s, Mr. Crowe is given to a hurt swallow when he’s uncomfortable and to a look of suffering in his eyes. – Elvis Mitchell
Phan Thi Kim Phuc I know what it is like to experience terror, to feel despondent, to live in fear. I know how wearying and hopeless life can be sometimes. – Phan Thi Kim Phuc
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