Joshua Foer Today we read books ‘extensively,’ often without sustained focus, and with rare exceptions we read each book only once. We value quantity of reading over quality of reading. We have no choice, if we want to keep up with the broader culture. – Joshua Foer Book Quotes Books Quotes Broader Quotes Choice Quotes Culture Quotes Exceptions Quotes Extensively Quotes Focus Quotes Quality Quotes Quantity Quotes Rare Quotes Read Quotes Reading Quotes Sustained Quotes What distinguishes a great mnemonist, I learned, is the ability to create lavish images on the fly, to paint in the mind a scene so unlike any other it cannot be forgotten. And to do it quickly. Many competitive mnemonists argue that their skills are less a feat of memory than of creativity. The fact that books today are mostly a string of words makes it easier to forget the text. With the impact of the iPad and the future of the book being up for re-imagination, I wonder whether we’ll rediscover the importance of making texts richer visually.
Chrissy Teigen I think of Kate Moss whenever I think of someone who did the bridesmaid thing right. They were all in different dresses, and I love neutrals. But it’s so hard to pull that together. You almost need a stylist for it. – Chrissy Teigen
Francis of Assisi Grant me the treasure of sublime poverty: permit the distinctive sign of our order to be that it does not possess anything of its own beneath the sun, for the glory of your name, and that it have no other patrimony than begging. – Francis of Assisi
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