Claire Tomalin Today’s children have very short attention spans because they are being reared on dreadful television programmes which are flickering away in the corner. – Claire Tomalin Attention Quotes Children Quotes Corner Quotes Dreadful Quotes Flickering Quotes Programmes Quotes Reared Quotes Short Quotes Spans Quotes Television Quotes Todays Quotes All writers behave badly. All people behave badly. I have been fascinated by Dickens worshippers who strenuously deny that he did anything wrong in relation to his wife, even though the record is clear that he did.
MusicRihanna Music helps me tell my story. That’s where I can really be heard. But there’s so much focus on the things that aren’t music. – Rihanna
Graham Moore The enduring appeal of mystery stories for all of us is that the world is a pretty confusing place. There’s a lot of really unanswered things, and perhaps the scariest notion would be that there might not always be answers out there for us. – Graham Moore
MoneyStanley DruckenmillerWisdom What a company’s been earning doesn’t mean anything. What you have to look at is what people think it’s going to earn. If you can see something in two years is going to be entirely different than the conventional wisdom, that’s how you make money. – Stanley Druckenmiller
Dieter F Uchtdorf It is not repentance per se that saves man. It is the blood of Jesus Christ that saves us. – Dieter F Uchtdorf
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