Pete Domenici Today’s gasoline prices are taking a severe toll on Americans’ pocketbooks. Consumers are anxious. – Pete Domenici Americans_ Quotes Anxious Quotes Consumers Quotes Gasoline Quotes Pocketbooks Quotes Prices Quotes Severe Quotes Todays Quotes Toll Quotes There are growing concerns that oil companies are making too much in profits at the expense of consumers.
Corey Hart There is nothing more important in my life than being a father. I will never allow any of my career choices or aspirations to threaten this bond. – Corey Hart
Dennis Kucinich There are many people making a difference. I mean, Dr. King never held an office. Gandhi never held an office. There are people who are archetypes in our society who have never held office and made a difference. – Dennis Kucinich
Henry Samueli We need to get smarter about hardware and software innovation in order to get the most value from the emerging Internet of Things. – Henry Samueli
Caleb Plant I was a rough kid. And this is all I ever wanted to do. I never wanted to be an astronaut. I didn’t want to do anything else but box. – Caleb Plant
Muhammad Ali Jinnah You are free to go to your mosques or to any other place of worship in this State of Pakistan. – Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Hermann Hesse It is not Kafka’s fault that his wonderful writings have lately turned into a fad, and are read by people who have neither the ability nor the desire to absorb literature. – Hermann Hesse
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