Lykke Li Touring is really about being on edge the whole time – you’re like a racing horse: you’ve just got to be on. You’ve got to pull it together. – Lykke Li Edge Quotes Horse Quotes Pull Quotes Racing Quotes Time Quotes Touring Quotes I’ll always be in some type of turmoil. So what I’ve tried to do is just surrender to that. The first thing you do when you get off tour is let off some steam and, you know, have some type of big breakdown.
TruthWilliam Shenstone A liar begins with making falsehood appear like truth, and ends with making truth itself appear like falsehood. – William Shenstone
Dick Clark Between Alan Freed in Cleveland and Bob Horn and Lee Stewart in Philadelphia and George ‘Hound Dog’ Lorenz in Buffalo, they began to find out that white kids liked black music. It was a very significant period of time before I got there. – Dick Clark
Stephane Hessel I never felt like a good Jew. My mother was not Jewish, and that makes me a non-Jew according to Jewish religious law. – Stephane Hessel
Maddie Marlow If your political views define who you are as a human, and you can’t stand to have friends that have different views than you, than you need to reevaluate, my friend. – Maddie Marlow
Agnes MartinArt My paintings are not about what is seen. They are about what is known forever in the mind. – Agnes Martin
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