Maciej Kranz Traditionally, in the technology industry, companies need to re-invent themselves every 3-7 years to survive. If the company misses one transition, it can still recover, but if it misses two, it is usually fatal. – Maciej Kranz Companies Quotes Company Quotes Fatal Quotes Industry Quotes Misses Quotes Recover Quotes Reinvent Quotes Survive Quotes Technology Quotes Traditionally Quotes Transition Quotes Co-innovation between a startup and an enterprise works best when each party fills a gap in the other’s capabilities and when they share equitably in both the work and the rewards. Device makers, especially consumer-focused ones, have been the Achilles’ heel of IoT security. These vendors have often viewed proper security implementations as extra cost, complexity, and time-to-market burdens with an unclear payoff.
AngerMaelle Gavet Once in a while, I still witness occasionally sexist behavior and comments from men (which experience has taught me you should always deflect with humour rather than anger). Old habits die hard, after all, and it’s unrealistic to expect dinosaurs to fall silent overnight. – Maelle Gavet
Rick Famuyiwa Now being 41 and looking back on my career… It became natural for me to revisit Inglewood and to revisit the coming-of-age movie, but not wanting it to feel like a period piece completely about nostalgia but wanting it to feel like something that was relevant today and also forward-looking. – Rick Famuyiwa
EnvironmentalJrRobert Kennedy We have very strong environmental laws in the United States and elsewhere around the world. The problem is that they’re seldom enforced. – Robert Kennedy, Jr
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