Jehane Noujaim Traveling around the world during the World Cup in 2006, I was thinking, ‘Wow, this is such an incredible and global event.’ – Jehane Noujaim Cup Quotes Event Quotes Global Quotes Incredible Quotes Thinking Quotes Traveling Quotes Wow Quotes If you can laugh with somebody and relate to somebody, it becomes harder to dehumanize them. I think that most of what we are constantly bombarded with in terms of media leads you to a creation of ‘the Other’ and a dehumanization of ‘the Other,’ and it’s very much an us-versus-them conversation. In making films, I’m constantly looking for people who are in conflict and who are going to surprise you and challenge you.
Edgar Wright Scott Pilgrim’ is something that was a little bit more difficult to put in one box. But, to me, that’s not necessarily a bad thing about the movie. – Edgar Wright
Caitlin Hale Jack Black is so funny! On and off screen, like, he would make you laugh every day. He’s hilarious. – Caitlin Hale
Martha Reeves I was stranded in Disco. I went to dozens of darkened places with enough flashing lights to drive the average person mad. I felt lost in the pulse of sheer panic. – Martha Reeves
Chellie Pingree Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has been one of my good friends in the House of Representatives. When she was brutally shot, Gabby was out doing what she loved to do – meeting with her constituents in a local setting, allowing people to speak to her directly about the issues that concerned them. – Chellie Pingree
Holly Marie Combs Felicity Huffman is just flawless; she’s above and beyond TV and movies and this Earth. – Holly Marie Combs
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