Justin Prentice True brothers don’t let other brothers go down this path of irreparably damaging another human being as well as their own lives. – Justin Prentice Brothers Quotes Damaging Quotes Human Quotes Irreparably Quotes Lives Quotes Path Quotes TRUE Quotes You can still be a man and have an emotional side. Any time you read the snide comments or people who have a hard time separating fictional television from reality, that’s sort of just water under the bridge. It’s easy to let that pass by if everyone in person is nice and warm.
Sonya Deville Being a part of the LGBTQ community myself, it’s another passion of mine to let my fan base know that I represent another demographic in the WWE. – Sonya Deville
Edvard Munch I learned early about the misery and dangers of life, and about the afterlife, about the external punishment which awaited the children of sin in Hell. – Edvard Munch
James Payn It is better, however, for his own reputation that the story-teller should risk a few actions for libel on account of these unfortunate coincidences than that he should adopt the melancholy device of using blanks or asterisks. – James Payn
Paul Weller I’ve always liked my clothes, even before I could properly afford them. Clothes for me were never a cloak, a cover. They were how I chose to express myself. – Paul Weller
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