Joe Sestak Trump is not the problem. He is the symptom of the problem where Americans no longer believe that the system works for them. – Joe Sestak Americans_ Quotes Symptom Quotes Trump Quotes Look, I went to war, and we knew by survey that when I went to war that we had a certain percentage in that carrier battle group, and when I was on the ground briefly in Afghanistan, that were gay. And now we come back to America and say they don’t have equal rights. I’ve never understood it. This is something where we have to correct this. I favor every worker having access to a retirement savings account, and there are various options for doing this. I do support states implementing their own plans, and I expect them to play an important role in increasing retirement savings for young professionals especially.
FunnyGregory Porter I’m happiest in nature, in trees, rivers, streams, and I’m happiest around my kid – you know that’s the funny thing, he is not always in the best of moods, but I am always happiest around him and in nature. Around my family is where I am happiest. – Gregory Porter
Jon Watts Something I learned early on in my career is there’s no use trying to fool anybody about what you want to do on a project where there are other people involved, rather than your own thing. – Jon Watts
Sofia Kenin No matter what the score is, I’m still going to be there fighting and doing my best to turn the match around, and I’ve done it a few times. – Sofia Kenin
Sarah Zettel When I’m not at the keyboard, I’m generally reading, practicing tai chi or middle eastern dance, or cooking. – Sarah Zettel
David Plouffe Gov. Romney said he would veto the Dream Act. Gov. Romney essentially said the 11 million people ought to just go home, they ought to self-deport. President Romney, if he is elected, is not going to fix our immigration system. – David Plouffe
Lillian RussellTime Time to open up a new chapter in life, and to explore a larger centre. – Lillian Russell
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